Trystyn Welsh Springers

We have no puppies/dogs available at this time. Currently there are no litters planned. You are welcom to submit a puppy questionairre if you are interested in a puppy in the future. Please fill out and submit the puppy questionairre located on the Forms page. We are also taking applications from residents of Canada again.
Welcome To Our Web Site
Photo: Graham Etches
Photo: Graham Etches
Breeder/Owner Of:
Breeder/Owner Of:
- Five Best in Shows
- Three Reserve Best In Shows
- World Winner Show Best of Breed Winner
- Three times Best of Breed at National Specialty
- Three times Best of Opposite Sex at National Specialty
- Three times National Specialty Best of Winners
- Two times National Specialty Winners Dog
- Five times National Specialty Winners Bitch
- Four times National Specialty Best in Sweepstakes
- Four times American Spaniel Club Best of Breed
- Five times WD/WB at American Spaniel Club
- One American Spaniel Club Best in Sweepstakes